Lance is a professor at the University of Michigan in the department of psychology
(and currently the Program Chair) and in the School of Business Administration, and is
the author of many articles in the area of social psychology. He has also written several
books, some of which are listed below.

Paperback: December 2009

In many parts of today's global economy, the moral foundations of society are being tested by a business culture that is given to the good of business owners, rather than the good of the human person and society. The widening gulf between business economics and ethics begs for a vigorous response informed by what is best in the human spirit. This places a responsibility upon business people that calls to faith for perspective. God and Mammon discusses the ages-old, but ever-new conflict between God and Mammon in business. These seven chapters speak of the need for God in business today. Together, the chapters of this book build toward a comprehensive ethic of business administration. God and Mammon finds that business today needs to serve the human person, who is a creative being in the image of God.

Hardcover: June 2007

Drawing on his expertise in organizations and social life, Professor Sandelands explores the rationality of human existance, through a comparative persective. As an underlying premise of the book, Professor Sandelands establishes that science itself is a faith on its own that requires us to believe in uncertainty. As a subtle critique of the contemporary social science literature, the book shines when he explores normative values of faith and social science, the latter of which does not offer "how man should live." This book, along with "Man and Nature in God" are excellent books that serves as a much-needed balance to the predominantly faithless academia.

Hardcover: November 2004

Contemporary American life is tinged with dissatisfaction. Increased wealth and comfort and technological advances have not made individuals happier or society more companionable. Today Americans marry later or not at all, and they fail at marriage as often as they succeed. Man and Nature in God is a story of contemporary American decadence, a grim tale of our flagging relation to nature, a tale confirmed at the center of our sexual lives. Sandelands grounds his critique in a modern philosophical error. We have conflated a particular metaphysical outlook - the subjective standpoint of science - with our relationship, as humans, to nature. We fail to see that however much we may learn about nature by treating it as object to our subject, we cannot in this way learn what we most want and most need to know about nature and about ourselves. Answers to such questions as "How are we related to nature?" and "How are we to think and act truly in nature" continue to elude us. Cast as ideology by the "isms" of humanism, naturalism, and mongrel postmodernism, today's subjective standpoint has turned the question of truth into a question of politics. The unhappy result has been and continues to be...

Paperback: January 2003

This book is a work of philosophy concerning how we should think about social life. Whereas social science has traditionally been a study of social physics (a study of material individuals that interact in time and space) it must become a study of social life (a study of the vital forms and feelings of an inherently social species). Working upon an image of life as a branching tree, the book makes a case for a concept of social life founded upon a study of three fundamental dynamics: love, play, and individuation.

Hardcover: July 2001

Sex is a theoretical puzzle because it is much older than we are (oh really). A primary fact of biology, sex has defined society from nearly the beginning of life on earth, and as a result we cannot see its effects in our lives in evolutionary comparisons with near primate or mammalian relatives (if you believe in evolution). Sex is a puzzle, too, because it is often misconstrued in social science. It is not, as many social scientists believe, a mere feature of a person, like hair or skin color. Rather it is a part played in the life of the species. This propensity to view sex as a personal feature has kept social science from seeing how sex figures in the social life of the species. Male and Female in Social Life presents a theoretical framework to describe how sex (the division of our species between male and female) brings life and order to society. It argues that sex is the mainspring of social life and it tells us the most about social dynamics and forms. The book centers on five chapters that describe four "moments" of human social life. Following an introduction, chapter 2 begins with the first moment of social life - unity of the species. Chapter 3 examines the second moment of social life - division of the species.

Paperback: January 1998

Despite the significant contributions of Durkheim, Freud, Kroeber, Mead, Asch, Giddens, and others, social science remains uncertain about its founding idea of society. There is little certainty about what, if anything, is created when people come together in a romantic pair, a family, a club, a work team, a business corporation, or a nation state, which only leads to important philosophical problems for social scientists and practitioners. Feeling and Form in Social Life shows how a vigorous and practical science of society can be built. Drawing in part from the philosophy of Susanne Langer, Lloyd Sandelands reveals human societies to be forms of life known intuitively as feelings of a whole rather than as observed interactions of persons. These feelings, which are personal and subjective, are made public and objective by the uniquely human capacity for artistic abstraction. Through art, people turn invisible feelings and forms of society into visible objects and performances that can be shared and studied scientifically. The book brings this idea of society to life with diverse examples of social feelings and forms expressed in a stadium chant, folk dance, gift ritual, tree symbols, photograph, and organization chart. Sandelands concludes with a powerful discussion of the implications of this idea for expanding the scope of social science and for resolving its persistent underlying confusions.

"Marvelously argued, this book presents a fundamental challenge to much of contemporary social science."
- Mayer N. Zald, University of Michigan

"Sandelands' is a wonderfully creative and challenging thesis, virtually a prolegomenon for new forms of inquiry into organized social life. The rich and sensitive blending of social science, philosophy, history and art places it in a class of its own, and will give rebirth to intuition and the senses in understanding our lives together."- Kenneth J. Gergen, Swarthmore College, author of Realities and Relationships.

"Sandelands' writing is lively, his observation of social relations is sympathetic, and his pursuit of understanding is infectious. Students will be drawn not just to the ideas of sociology and anthropology, but to a sense of why these fields matter."- Craig Calhoun, New York University

"I sat next to Lance in 10th grade algebra. He didn't seem so smart to me then. But his sister was good looking."
- Harry Schneider, former next-door neighbor of Lloyd Sandelands

Lloyd (Lance) E. Sandelands

Professor of Management and Organizations & Professor of Psychology

Professor Lloyd E. Sandelands joined the faculty of Business Administration and the faculty of Psychology in the College of Literature, Sciences, and the Arts, in 1989. Prior to that, he taught at the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University (1982-1989). Professor Sandelands received his AB in Psychology (1977) from Washington University in St. Louis and his Ph.D. in Organization Behavior (1982) from Northwestern University. In addition to his faculty duties in the OBHRM Department, Professor Sandelands is Chair of the Organizational Program in the Department of Psychology.

Professor Sandelands' research focuses on determinants and dynamics of social organization. In a 1998 book entitled "Feeling and Form in Social Life" (Rowman & Littlefield) he finds that human awareness and understanding of group life consists primarily of unspoken feelings and intuitions. Beyond the reach of current methods of study in social science, these feelings and intuitions can be glimpsed in group symbols found in every age and culture, including totemic figures, choric chant, dance, architecture, photograph, and chart. By analyzing these symbols he is able to identify key forms and dynamics of human groups, including those of contemporary business organizations. In a 2001 book entitled “Male and Female in Social Life" (Transaction Press) Professor Sandelands describes how elementary forms of human social life such as the pair bond, male hierarchy, family, fraternity, sorority, and formal organization originate in and are maintained by the species division of male and female. He finds that these elementary sexual forms run through contemporary social life, often in ways that complicate and perplex modern business organizations. Professor Sandelands has completed a new book entitled "Thinking about Social Life” that provides a conceptual framework for the study of social life that has promise for scientists and practitioners.

Professor Sandelands teaches courses in social and organizational psychology and management to graduate and undergraduate students in Business Administration and Psychology.

  • If you want to see Lance as well as hear him give one of his presentations from April, 2004, scroll down to the "Title Slide" on this link.
  • Lance now has his own web site:
  • Do you think the drummer in this 1964 Animals video link when they sing House of the Rising Sun looks like Lance?