The Cromwell College Summer Work Crew |
Asleep at Clete's house on a Friday night, presumably after a day of painting, (and drinking). |
Rob later went on to become an engaging stockbroker. Here he poses after a hard days' work of and/or drinkng. Ancient artifact, vestige, heirloom? Whatever one makes of this genuine Robert Roast dollar, circa early 1970s, it retains its currency and value, and currently is in the possession of Harry, who will trade it to you for a brewski. |
This is Rob at the beach in his |
Looking for lost lugwrench when we're stoned as grits. Howie and Bag pictured here with Rob as we jack up the car. Photo by Harry. |
Read a re-cap of the most memorable Crew car race which involved the Roaster and Terry here. |
Rob drinks a beer at Harry's summer
'75 keg party. Has previously sprained his left foot. Drinks beer to numb pain, or so he says. (Looks pretty anesthesized already). |
Also pictured: Matt, Tony Pross, Jane Hough, Helene Freeman and Clete (aka Paul Denz). |
Rob drinks another beer at Steve McNair's Dec. 31st 1975 New Year's Eve party.