From the Cromwell Hills Chronicle                   Summer of 1975
A Threat to our Community                                    Bill Schaeffer
          The recent police road blocks and continuous surveillance of
Cromwell Hills painfully manifested how grave the problems with our
youth have become. Indeed, our conversations with the Township
police indicate that the problems have grown to alarming proportions
and could even threaten human lives. Our small community has experi-
enced the following serious incidents within the last two weeks:

            - Large rocks thrown at passing cars.    (Brent)
           - A near "rumble" that would have involved bats and chains
             as weapons.    (the Crew vs. Madison)
           - A fire deliberately set on the field.   (Harry)
           - Mailboxes smashed at night (or blown up).   (Vince)  →  →  →  
           - Rocks thrown through picture windows.    (Brent)
           - Parties involving alcohol held on the field.    (the Crew)
           - Cars speeding on the streets at late hours.    (J5, Howie, Clete, et al.)

Individually these acts are disturbing; collectively they are out-
rageous. They clearly demonstrate a lack of parental control on the
part of some of the parents of Cromwell Hills.

           Many of our youth would like us to believe that outsiders are
causing these incidents. True enough, outsiders have significantly
contributed to the severity and frequency of the recent events. But
why have they sought revenge in our neighborhood? Who has provoked
them? Why are so many Cromwell youths available for a confrontation
at late hours? Why is Cromwell the only area in the township with
these serious problems?

           Perhaps the answer is that Cromwell is "where the action is"?
Perhaps "a Cromwell crowd" sought pleasure in other areas and invited
retaliation? Whatever the answer, the problems could certainly be
minimized with increased parental control and more positive activities
for your people. Parents, you can make a big difference by acting
upon the following suggestions:
          1) Make sure your children are home at a reasonable hour.
          2) Let your children know you check on their whereabouts--and do
               it. You often know the parents of your children's friends. Keep
               in touch regarding the mutual activities of your children.
          3) Most of all, keep your children off the streets and out of the
               field after dark. Encourage your children to invite their friends
               into your house or to use your property for socializing. Many
               Cromwell parents do; more parents should do likewise.

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the Tour of Years 1975


See more clippings from around Morristown:
  1. MHS race riot; Final Exam goes up in flames; Mark Loiler's car crash
  2. Drug Busts 40 Nabbed in Bust (at party on Sussex
    Avenue which was us)
  3. Daily Record article (8/23/04) about Cromwell Hills
  4. Newspaper article (12/22/05) that John Schneider wrote for The Baltimore Sun ("Military Recruiters Have Eye on Students")
  5. Read a ghost story about an 1833 Morristown murder in a home that later became the Wedgewood Inn,
    then Society Hill, then Jimmy's Haunt, and is now
    a bank.
  6. Daily Record article (8/12/08) about a fire at the
    Cromwell pool house.